Aetheryte Academy

Helping the hopefuls of Eorzea spread their wings and take flight.
Balmung Free Company / Linkshell Community

Aetheryte Academy seeks to train members of the community to be stalwart adventurers. More than that, how to lead a successful life outside of combat. Whether it's out in the field or relaxing at home, we strive to be part of a company of heroes that looks after each other.
By accepting levequests specially organized by the Grand Companies for our Academy, we have plenty of in-character opportunities and RP hooks to get students and instructors alike some field experience, and advance through the ranks!
What do we do?
Weekly events, both private and public, run primarily on the Balmung server. Whether it's a sparring competition, a public lecture, or a grand leve taken by the Academy to be fulfilled for training and funding, we try to offer a fun variety of activities for both members of the FC, and the community.
We use an RPG-lite system for resolving PVE or PVP related conflicts in-game to allow for some fun character development and customization in combat and social encounters that might happen in our DM'd events.

Ways to get involved
Not sure how your character would fit in the puzzle? Already involved pretty heavily with a Free Company? That's okay! We have an in-character linkshell, and a Discord open to friends of the company. Whether it's as an instructor, as a student, support staff, or all three - there's opportunities for you!
Joining the Free Company is not required to join the Community!
Recruitment is open
Speak to a certified Academy Representative today, and enlist!